Sunday, February 25, 2018

Media Literacy

This week's topic of media literacy is very timely for me. The past couple of weeks have been very trying times at my school in regards to social media. We have had a handful of incidents where students used social media and the result of their participation has had a very negative impact. Howard Rheingold's article "Attention and Other 21st-Century Social Media Literacies captured many of my same opinions. I believe that the five literacies that need to be addressed with current students include attention, participation, collaboration, network awareness, and critical consumption. Although Rheingold's article was written in 2010, it is still very valid for today.

I think participation and critical consumption are key for students to be literate in. Thinking about the past couple of weeks and the events that have occurred in my school, I have realized that student do not fully grasp the implications of posting, Snapchatting, or tweeting a "joke." These jokes are extreme in nature and have caused fear and panic within the school, community, and surrounding communities. Student need to be taught how to productively participate in social media. It is also important for students to realize who their audience is and who has access to their profile, information, etc.

Critical consumption is also extremely important. Students needs to be able to filter all the information that is coming to them on social media. They need to know what to do with information and when to report an inappropriate or potentially harmful message. Messages spread like wildfire on social media amongst our students and it is necessary to teach them what to do with the information.

I hope that the unfortunate events that have occurred will result in teachable moments with all of our students. I also believe that all students should receive formal training in media literacies, I believe it is a necessary skill now and in the future. I realize that students returning to school tomorrow will still be anxious, stressed, and feel uneasy about the events that have occurred. It is my responsibility as their teacher to help them feel safe and to help them process  through the events that have occurred.

Source: SIGNIS


  1. I am sorry to hear about some challenging situations going on at your school regarding the use of social media. I agree that students at all grade levels need age appropriate media literacy training. Maybe if social media literacy starts at a younger age it might prevent some of the abuses we see happening in the upper grades.

  2. It's unfortunate. My kids go to Lake Park High School which last Friday was closed after a social media threat. Not only do students need to learn how these things are just plain wrong but maybe the focus needs to shift to what the penalties are when they engage in these behaviors? The student that posted in our situation is a sophomore now being charged with a felony.


Blog Reflection #2 - EDU 781