Monday, December 11, 2017

End of the Journey: Proposal Process

Looking back at the Proposal Process, I have realized how many steps and details were necessary to be successful. I am excited about my proposal and plan on continuing to implement the plan during the second semester. I have been looking for ways to increase engagement and student interaction with the content in my Accounting class for awhile and I think I have finally come up with something that will “stick.” As a teacher, sometimes I think it is easy to come up with grandiose ideas, but they end up not coming to fruition because there was no plan in place. The Proposal Process required that I “put the brakes on” and really think through the idea, identify resources, and create a detailed timeframe. Without those steps it is hard to have an idea turn into something real.

As a Technology Specialist or Instructional Designer, I think it is important to help teachers “put the brakes on,” take a step back and really understand how the technology or strategy will help students learn before trying to implement something new in the classroom. We want teachers and students to be successful, so we need to guide the process by identifying the objective and finding the best strategies and tools to use. One step that I think is often missed is to go back and reflecting on the process or lesson. What worked? What didn’t work? These reflections will help educators improve their practice for the future, which will ultimately lead to student successes.

Blog Reflection #2 - EDU 781